BP Averaging for staff

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- The patient has hopefully obtained their readings twice a day (am and pm) for two weeks.
- When you're ready to submit your readings, click the "Submit Pressures" tab above.

Tips you can give patients

Follow the instructions that came with your monitor. Make sure you place the cuff around your arm as described in the instructions.

Take one reading and ignore the result. Rest for five minutes somewhere quiet before taking a second reading and note this reading only (don’t round the number up or down). Always use the same arm and take readings at the same times each day. Don’t take readings over clothes.

Don’t measure within 30 mins of eating, smoking, drinking caffeinated drinks (such as coffee) or exercising. Wait until anxiety passes (if possible) and go to the toilet if needed before taking the reading.

Take readings while sitting with your back supported with your arm resting on a firm surface and your feet flat on the floor. Keep still and quiet while you take your reading. Moving, chewing, talking and laughing can affect your reading. Make sure you don't cross your legs, as this will raise your reading too.

Don’t stop taking your medications if your blood pressure falls. Always talk to your doctor before stopping your medications, even if your blood pressure has fallen to a healthy level according to your home monitor.

When you're ready to submit your readings, click the "Submit Pressures" tab above.

Patient's Details:
Put the patients BP readings in below.

You can adjust how many readings using the slider. If it seems the readings weren't morning and night, but more random, you can still pop them in, but indicate this in the comments.

First Reading Date:
Min (1 Day)
Max (14 Days)
Set at: 7

For reference, the big number of each reading is known as the systolic and the small number is known as the diastolic. AM and PM refer to morning and evening respectively.

Morning Readings:
Evening Readings:
Please add any additional comments here: